If you already have your vehicle and want to keep it for longer time, simply call us at the location you collected it from or contact our reservations team. We'll work around you, where possible. Please note that changing the duration of the rental could change the overall amount you pay. We will instantly tell you how much more it will cost to keep it clear and stress free for you. We will also let you know if your hire car happens to be nearing the end of its 'rental life' and confirm if it's able to stay on the road a little longer. If not, we will find your nearest hire station, from where you can continue your journey in a new vehicle. Our telephone number is on your rental agreement or it can be found
Don't forget to review the terms and conditions when you book, which include everything you need to know ahead of your journey.
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You pay for each day you hire a vehicle, which is based on a 24 hour rental period. If you return your hire vehicle within 24 hours, you'll still be charged for the full day. There's also no penalty for returning your vehicle up to 29 minutes late, but for returns after this time we're afraid you will be charged for another day as well as a late return fee. If you are going to be late or would like to extend your rental period, please call your hire station ahead of time to let us know.
Don't forget to review the terms and conditions when you book, which include everything you need to know ahead of your journey.
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We understand you might get delayed, so we try to be flexible. If you’re running late or need to extend your car rental, please make sure you contact us as soon as possible. Should you return the vehicle late – without notifying us or extending your hire – you may be subject to a late return fee. If you fail to extend the rental and you are more than 29 minutes late returning the vehicle, your rental will be extended and you will be charged an extra day’s rental at current pay at location prices plus a late return processing fee for each day or part of a day until the vehicle is returned.
If you overrun past your agreed return date and time, you will incur a late return fee. If you still haven’t returned the vehicle 24 hours later, then another late return fee will be applied. A late return fee will continue to be added every 24 hour period thereafter, until you return the vehicle to the rental station.
Depending on the country of rental, the daily late return fee will be (inclusive of VAT): £15.00/CHF 20.00/150.00 (DKR, NKR or SKR)/between €15 and €18.60 (country dependent), or the equivalent amount in local currency.
Don’t forget to review the terms and conditions when you book, which include everything you need to know ahead of your journey.
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Yes, you can extend your rental through the app while your rental is still open. If you experience any issues trying to extend via the App, please contact the rental station directly.
Don't forget to review the terms and conditions when you book, which include everything you need to know ahead of your journey.
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Yes. However, late return fees may apply. Modifications should be made before the rental end date/time. Please contact the rental station directly or email us via Avisbudget.Ukoperations@abg.com as soon as possible quoting your rental agreement number or the registration number of the vehicle. If you are a Preferred member, you may also use the Avis app to extend your hire.
If you experience any issues trying to extend via the App, please email us.
Don't forget to review the terms and conditions when you book, which include everything you need to know ahead of your journey.
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If you would like to extend your current hire car, we'll do our best to help. Please contact the rental station in the country where you rented using the information located on your rental agreement or look up their contact details here. For UK rentals only, you can also email the UK team via Avisbudget.Ukoperations@abg.com quoting your rental agreement number or the registration number of the vehicle. Please do not use this email address for any rentals which have taken place outside the UK as the team are not able to support with the extension of non UK rentals. Please note – extra days will be charged at 'pay at location' prices and your pre-authorisation will be updated to include any anticipated additional costs. We will try to help you extend your rental over the phone, however sometimes you may be required to visit one of our locations.
Don't forget to review the terms and conditions when you book, which include everything you need to know ahead of your journey.
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